Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is the best bowl of Cantonese brisket Beef noodle!? Or the lousy one!?

A bowl of beef noodle should be having tender and juicy beef, not too dark in colour as they might be too much time in stewing. Losing the natural favour of the beef, too soft will lose some chewy feeling of a beef, too hard tough will lose my tooth during chewing..
And the beef should not be too lean, they are prone to be best if they have 20% fat, not necessary those what has intense marbling and to producing a high percentage of oleaginous unsaturated fat.
The soup and the beef should not be salty; some of the Northern Chinese people may like the taste to be heavy, but heavy does not mean Salty… Only poor people eat salty food as they have to in order to keep their body fluid to be enough sodium Chloride or they will have problem in the muscle and they will not have the strength in handling tough heavy works.
We are not…the farmer, we do not eat too much salt for better health, we like good light and clear soup of the beef favour.
The beef should be good one, not necessary Angus, nor the five star Wagru, but they can not be a very tough one.
When we prepare the beef, we should out it in hot water for a 1-2 minutes… and rinse under cold water., the prepare the Recipe of the sauce for the beef.,
My mother taught me… deep fry the wok, put some soya bean sauce, a piece of Nam Yu, and some Chur Hou Paste from the Chinese grocery shop for sauce. Put a few pieces of Fa Chiu. And garlic, stir beef in pieces for a couple of minutes, reduce the fire and add some water just to cover the beef, Put a large price of Bing Tong (ice block sugar, a secret formula to make beef juicy and tender… then wait for the good smell of the beef to be generated in the whole building of where you are staying…
Well, back to this bowl of noodle, I called this is the Lousiest noodle I have never had in the year… The shop was packed with people, 90% Chinese shopper at Sogo, causeway bay, the shop is juts behind the Sogo near by Chui Wah Eatery.
The beef is very salty… the soup was salty too, they come with a spoon of Chinese Onion and some minced garlic had been deep fried… I think this is one of the non-Cantonese way to serve Beef noodle… But I have seen many times in many shops they serve this, I never had a good beef noodle, if you can tell one of the shops that serve good beef noodle, please tell me and I would love to go and try… We did not use the Chinese Onion at all, and I believe it will make a lousy noodle even worse.
One bowl of this noodle is HKD$26.00. Too expensive, The Toothpick in side the noodle was an accident that I dropped into it... Does not mean to humilate the shop…
Conclusion, I will never go again to this shop though they business is very good!
Supported by the Mainland Chinese rich shoppers…
Causeway Bay Snob

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